Wedding Gown

If you are reading my blog for the first time, you could be quite amazed if you know that the author is a Guy. Yes, a guy!!!

Many friends who visted my blog thought that it was my wife who had been sharing her thoughts.

They were very surprised when I told them I’m the blogger.

Anyway, that is not important. What matter most is that you benfit from my post.

Back to the times I was in the Bridal Studio with my wife selecting her gowns.

I remembered we took pictures of all the wedding gowns she tried on using our mobile phones with cameras.

The photos were really useful when my mother-in-law or aunties wanted to take a look of how the gowns looked like.

In addition, we used it as reference when we wanted to see how it looked like again when we reached home. This was to make sure she made the best choice she could make at that point in time.

Moreover, we could use the photos for our wedding scrapbook which we had no time to do, even until now…

So, remember to take photos of yourself in the wedding gowns during selection:

1. For your reference
2. For showing to your eager parents or relatives
3. For making into a scrapbook
4. For remembrance

And here are some more photos of wedding gowns for your reference…remember the gown-selection tips I gave in the previous post about choosing of your wedding gown.

Do go to My Wedding Blog for more reference. See you there.

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